Coffee scrubs can be a very useful skin care product for various skin types, including dry and oily skin. This article would delve deeper into the refreshing world of coffee scrubs revealing the benefits, best way to exfoliate with one. A coffee scrub is exactly what it sounds like, a face or body scrub that is formulated with coffee. Coffee scrubs can be used to mechanically exfoliate the skin.

Coffee Scrub

Benefits of Coffee Scrub

Coffee scrub can help to energize your skin by giving it a more radiant look. As with all scrubs, it aids in exfoliating the surface of the skin, lifting away dull, dead skin cells.

Lately, research has found that products containing caffeine may dehydrate cells making cellulite less obvious. Here are some benefits of using a coffee scrub to exfoliate regularly:

  • It prevents ingrown hair.
  • Smoother, lighten elbows and knees.
  • Enables moisturizers to penetrate deeper.
  • Unclogs pores.
  • Smoothens and polishes the skin.
  • Supple and visibly healthy skin.
  • Reduces the appearance of large pores.
  • Allows for better hair removal.
  • Gets rid of patchy dry areas on the skin.
  • Reduces the appearance of stretchmarks and cellulite.
  • Helps reduce pigmentation and skin discoloration.

Prep for a coffee scrub

No time for a quick bath? You can dampen the area of the skin to be scrubbed with warm water. Ideally 10 minutes in a warm tub is advised or a warm shower will suffice.

When the skin is wet and prepped with warm water it will lead to the best exfoliating results and avoid skin damage. Be careful not to use very hot water as this can make your skin dry and sensitive to any form of skin routine and might lead to burns.

Rinse the skin thoroughly from any soap and oils then pat it dry, but not too dry as you need the skin moist so that the scrub can penetrate seamlessly.

The scrubbing process

Scoop a handful of the coffee scrub and apply it with your hands. While some people prefer to use mitts for applying and scrubbing, hands work just perfect. Massage the coffee into your skin gently in circular patterns. 

Applying the scrub to your whole body should take about 3 to 6 minutes depending on how fast you can scrub. Then let the coffee absorb into your skin and do its job for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Ideally, start scrubbing from top down so that any excess product that falls to the rest of your body can be reused when you get to those parts. Invest a little more time on elbows, knees and feet.

Rinse up thoroughly especially where there’s hair. Do not forget to aim your shower head on bathroom walls and shower curtains to quickly clean off any stray stains.

When the skin is damp, moisturize as products applied after a body scrub and warm bath are quickly absorbed and are more effective.

Coffee ScrubAt SANNA CAFÉ we offer you an Organic Coffee Scrub of exceptional quality.  Replenish the natural glow of your skin with our coffee body scrub.

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