What is Cellulite? 

Cellulite refers to the dimples in the skin that affect most women and some men. It can also be referred to as Lipodystrophy. The dimples develop when fatty tissues under your skin press against tissues closer to the skin’s surface. It can occur anywhere but tends to be most prevalent in areas where fatty tissues are present, such as the buttocks and thighs.


 It is fat beneath the skin that causes a lumpy look on the surface. You might not like how it looks, but it is common and harmless. The changes that lead to the formation of cellulite are very complex. It involves the overproduction of collagen, water retention, inflammation, poor microcirculation and fat storage. 

Coffee scrubs have been lauded over the internet as an active anti-cellulite. While specific evidence may be lacking for now. Here’s why it is believed to be a very good treatment for cellulite. These products are prized for both their caffeine and antioxidant content that’s supposedly good for the skin when applied regularly, but the effects on it aren’t so clear.

How to use Coffee scrub against cellulite

The key to achieving desired results with coffee scrub versus cellulite is repeated use. As with the application of coffee scrub to any other part of the body, apply it to the affected areas, performing a massage with circular movements. The entire procedure should take about 10 minutes.

Does coffee scrub really get rid of cellulite?

There is no proven remedy to deal with it for now. However, continuous and regular exfoliation of the affected areas will reduce the extra fat. Researchers and dermatologists suggest that the properties that are inside the coffee bean help in the disappearance of cellulite.

Try our Organic Coffee Scrub. Replenish the natural glow and smoothness of your skin. 


What does science say?

Coffee scrubs assist in the treatment of cellulite in a couple of ways. The caffeine present in coffee helps in dilating the blood vessels and also in eliminating excess water by dehydrating the body fatty cells, which will lead it a tighter and firmer body. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, which are thought to help promote overall healthier skin tone. These include phenols, the plant-based chemicals that are thought to fight against free radicals present in the body.

Another benefit of a coffee scrub is the natural exfoliating effects it possesses from the coffee bean themselves. It helps to remove dead skin cells and yield a smoother, more even look to the skin. While exfoliation itself can’t get rid of cellulite, such effects may reduce its appearance. The circular massage pattern that it is applied with also helps: according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, massages can boost lymphatic drainage and improve the appearance of cellulite.

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